29 July 2013

a teaching road trip

I hit the road this last weekend and headed to Sonoma County to teach a book arts group there.

I have become quite spoiled teaching out of my own studio this past year and a half but did pretty well in packing up, including a traveling book press station: heavy books and old irons.

Northern California is made up of zillions of micro-climates.  This is me driving north:


The next morning I took a walk before teaching and the wild turkeys kept me company on the road.

 wild turkeys of Sepastopol

Once again, I taught the ever-popular Ethiopian Coptic Bookbinding. My students did a great job and completed some gorgeous books.


One experienced student even attempted, and succeeded, at the four-needle Coptic (two pieces of thread, a needle on each end of the threads).


On the way home I stopped at Fort Mason in San Francisco and visited the Renegade Craft Fair. Played with my camera and took panoramic photos (that's Alcatraz out there in the water):

and a bench.

And, again with the micro-climates on the way home. Quite the contrast.

Fun little adventure and am now looking forward to disappearing into my studio for a month ...

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