I've been quite remiss about blog posts lately but wanted to get some information up here on a project I've been working on and an upcoming gallery exhibit.
I'll be having a solo art exhibit at Minnow Arts in Santa Cruz, CA entitled: Aqua Lab: in Search of the Third Thing.
The exhibit runs from May 3rd - June 9th, 2024. There will be an opening reception from 5:00-8:30 on First Friday, May 3rd, as well as a closing reception on First Friday, June 7th. I will also give an informal talk from 3-4:00 on Sunday, June 9th. Minnow Arts location: 204 Locust Street, Santa Cruz, CA. Regular hours are Saturday and Sunday, 2:00-6:00.
Since First Friday is often crowded and it’s sometimes hard to talk and see the work, I will be in the gallery from 2-4:00 on the Saturdays and Sundays following the opening and closing receptions: May 4th and 5th, and June 8th and 9th.
DH Lawrence wrote:
Water is H2O, hydrogen two parts, oxygen one,
but there is also a third thing, that makes it water
and nobody knows what that is…
Aqua Lab is an attempt to define that “third thing” through open water swimming and the collection of data including: swim dates, water and air temperature, latitude, longitude and elevation of swims, the collection of earth pigment from the shoreline of lakes, recording swim routes, and photographing the color of the water. All of these elements will come together in the gallery with a watery and swimmerly installation. I hope you’ll float by…
And, just a reminder if you are interested in workshops - I'm good about updating my workshop page here on my blog. Also, online workshops are available 24/7 on Creativebug!